SSRO-South Road Trip

In October 2008, The entire SSRO-South team met in Chile for a trip to CTIO hosted by our  team member Daniel Verschatse who happens to live in Santiago, Chile and our friends at the UNC PROMPT / SKYNET project.

The current team at SSRO-South (from left to right): Jack Harvey, Daniel Verschatse, Rick Gilbert, and Steve Mazlin.

Daniel Verschatse -- our generous host with his trusty vehicle.

Jack has a final Pisco Sour at Pizza Mia in La Serena.

CTIO at last!

PROMPT domes at CTIO operated by University of North Carolina (P2 is the far left dome).



Still some work to do on the STL-11000M camera and filter wheel.


Kevin Ivarsen from UNC is a true computer wizard ... the rest of us not so much.


Kevin makes yet another adjustment on the P2 system.


Steve at the P2 console.


Up and running!

A condor and new friends -- both sides seem somewhat skeptical.

Our good friend "Cluyze" (Aaron LaCluyze from UNC) and his ever present camera


SOAR -- it is big!


Gemini South -- even bigger!

Now where exactly does the ST11K go?


Rick finally gets close to a big mirror -- what were they thinking!

8 meters of glass


Goodbye CTIO -- see you next year!

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